Monday, June 29, 2020

Dating And Relationship Coaching


I would just like to say that relationships and the dating world is an exciting place to be!  There's so much fun to have and yet so many possibilities for heartbreak.  My job?  I will help you prevent as much of that heartbreak as possible.  I love helping you and talking to you as much as you love getting to the bottom of things!  

Some Advice to Start You Off

  1. Be 100% you :)
  2. Being you does mean you may need to make some minor tweaks, but you should never sacrifice your values and who you are!
  3. Follow your heart and your guts.  They usually are always talking if you listen well <3

"I love her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything." F. Scott Fitzgerald ​​


: : : : :

Dating And Relationship Coaching

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