Saturday, August 15, 2020

Listen To You, Coach You, And Will Not Judge You


The world is headed towards an era of traumas, depression, anxiety, self-doubts, and mental illness. It is, therefore, extremely important to be there, understand, empathize, and build genuine human connections.

Through this platform, I envision to apply my learned coaching and therapy methodologies to help my clients achieve the following 2 states:

1) [Backward]

Getting rid of the contagious negativity surrounding us everywhere in our daily lives. This may include challenges at the workplace, in a relationship, with family, with friends, through social media, and what not?!


- Timeline Therapy
- Swish Patterns
- Perceptual Positions
- Submodalities - Like to Dislike
and others.

2) [Forward]

Begin to live the life we keenly desire to live. Setting goals and going out to CHASE THEM LIKE A HUNGRY WOLF, UNAPOLOGETICALLY!!


- Ultimate Success Formula - USF
- Circle of Excellence
- Anchoring - Preserving a State
and others

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a comprehensive psychological study involving a deeper understanding of the mind and its capacities. Through NLP, we can utilize our thoughts, imagination, and actions to design the life of our deepest wishes!


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