Monday, June 1, 2020

Your Listening Ear And Counselor


Do you ever feel as though you cant continue with life? do you ever feel as though as much as you try to connect with other individuals, it just seems as though you could never get the exact clarity you need within yourself and the world, well if you've answered yes to all of these questions. Trust me, You're not alone, for years I've struggled with getting the clarity I've desired and building that strong connection and understanding with a special individual. Life can be extremely complicated at time, & sometimes It feels as though you're in a battle with alignment with life's expectations. My name is Bri and i'm here to lend a shoulder, please don't hesitate  on contacting me with any personal issues that you may have, I'm all ears and believe me when i say  I'm not the type to judge or criticize. We live in a world where a lot of us suppress our emotions simply because we feel "non human" due to the emotions we feel, or feel as though its abnormal to speak about how we feel with other individuals in fear of not being accepted or fear being judged or criticized. I would love to give you some insight and try and my absolute best to help in areas needed.   


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