Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Show You That You Are Not Alone


You’re not alone. Sometimes it’s difficult to see a situation from the outside. Many of our issues in life seem overwhelming and no way out when we’re in the eye of the storm. For the past 10+ years I have been offering my clients life changing guidance, love and support as we work through life together. Sitting in a therapist office can be very clinical and cold. Speaking on FaceTime or Skype for an hour can feel limited, rushed and time consuming. This is why I’ve decided to offer email counseling to my services. Sometimes we just need a friend without having the upkeep of that friendship or without fear of judgement. 

 I offer confidential, compassionate guidance when it feels like no one is listening to you. My expertise ranges from dealing with relationships, infidelity, secrets, dating, goal setting, family dynamics, aging, blended families, health, body image and more. There is no issue too small or too large. I’m here if you just want to vent, confess a secret you’ve been struggling to keep or just figure out life. 

My typical response time is within one hour or less of email received. 


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