Friday, January 31, 2020

Create Dating App With Smart Features


We will Develop perfect dating app  

  • Facebook Integration: Sign in with Facebook makes the account registration hassle-free. It also helps provide the user a more personalized experience.
  • Like, Reject Profile: Users can likes, and reject individual profiles by increasing the chances of finding an apt match
  • Swipe: Left or right, swipe it all the way
  • Realtime Chat: After matching with individual profiles, a user can engage in seamless conversation with each other in Binder and exchange unlimited images, messages etc
  • Push Notification: The users will be notified instantly when their profile was liked. Push notifications ensure that the user will always notify of incoming messages.
  • Subscription: Users can subscribe to additional paid features ,rewind by paying a monthly fee inside  App.
  • Rewind Feature: The users can use the rewind functionality if they want to make a change on their last swipe in Binder App.
  • Admob interestetial ads
Revenue Model: Monetize the app by in-app purchases, advertising, marketing and still more!

Note - Installation Charge Extra


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