Monday, January 27, 2020

Listen To Your Problems Or Worries


Whether you want to talk about something uncomfortable or just want to have a chat about books, comics, video games or any topic - I'm here for you! :)

The conversation is completely private, so you can tell me anything you like!

If you have a secret that you really want to talk about, but you don't want to disappoint your friends - tell me instead.

If you need relationship advice, but you're scared of other people judging you - ask me!

If you have a problem, but no one to relate or talk to - talk to me! :)

Contact me first before ordering, though!

Honestly, I was always the one giving advice and helping my friends in difficult situations, and now I want to help you too!

Just remember, before ordering, please contact me first so we can set a time when we are both available! (different time zones, work, responsibilities,...)

I will talk to you about anything you wish! See ya! :)


: : : : :

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