Thursday, January 30, 2020

Give You The Best Love Advice


My name is Marion and I'm NOT a doctor. What I am is the go to guy when my female friends have questions on love and relationships. I figured if my advice can work for them (and believe me, it works) it could definitely work for you. For $5 I can take a look at your current situation and answer any questions you may have. No story is too long and ask as many questions as you like. I will give you the best advice, but it's up to you to follow through. Don't be like one of my friends who never listens, but always comes back to tell me I'm right. There's no joy in saying, "I told you so." Also, I'm fair, so if your looking for someone to tell you how right you are, you will be gravely disappointed. So ask away!!


: : : : :

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