Saturday, February 29, 2020

Help You With Your Love Life Dilemma


We all need someone to advice us on how we can have healthy and happy relationships. Or maybe to analyse our relationship rationally and advice accordingly.

I am trained in Communication and Psychology with inept ability to understand people.

What Situation Are You In?

  1. I am confused on what to do about issues in my relationship
  2. I need a grounded mind to talk to on matters of the heart
  3. I am confused about my position in my relationship
  4. I am in love with someone I shouldn't be with

  5. I am not sure how he/she feels about me and I want to make sure I am doing the right things to take my relationship to the next level
  6. I am sad in my relationship and don't know why or what to do about it
  7. I need to get married but I can't keep a relationship, don't know if I am the problem
  8. I am a single parent, dating is challenging
  9. My marriage is over and I need to get myself back out there, how do I show that I am available?
  10. I keep hurting the people I love with my actions

There are many more situations you could be in, I have mentioned just 10 possibilities. Feel free to contact me no matter how insignificant you might think the matter might be.

Kindly note, my service per issue is unlimited for one price.


: : : : :

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