Monday, May 25, 2020

Write A Letter To You


It's a bit hard to get what you used to get so easily just a few short generations ago: conversation. Every social situation is buffered by a phone. I am just as guilty as those I am critiquing. Normal conversation is no longer a staple in everyday life. And the conversations folks have with each other are mostly online, and are antagonistic and aggressive in nature.

That's why I came up with this project. I'd like to have conversations with people from all sorts of backgrounds. We can discuss anything you'd like. Minor things such as food preferences and travel stories, or things that most people would like to avoid, such as politics and religion.

It is completely up to you. The spectrum of conversational topics is wide and colorful. Nothing is off the table. This is all judgement free. No biases. No fences. Just conversation. These letters can be completely anonymous if it that's what you'd prefer.

Letters can be sent either to home addresses or P.O. boxes. If letters are not the preferred option, emails are just as good. I will provide a mailing address or email, depending on what option you choose.

I look forward to sharing stories with you, whoever you are!


: : : : :

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