Monday, April 20, 2020

Is Your Dating Game Lame


I'm a relationship expert in meeting and greeting new potential dates and mates who are total strangers in the public. Most people meet through friends, through work,and through school 90% of the time. People see other people that they are attracted to every day and will not say hi, how are you doing, or how's your day going. One thing that you do not know is that people are attracted to you when you walk past them. It doesn't  matter what you look like, what's your size is and what your age is. I will show you and teach you how to get a stranger's contact information and or a future date, sometimes the same day in less than 5 minutes. This sounds too incredible and to be true, but here's the secret. You have to find out if that person is interested in you, you can find this out in less than one minute. 90% of the time a woman only has to ask a man one question, and 80% of the time a man has to ask a woman one or two questions and one question to close the deal to find out, if a woman is interested in him. 


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