Monday, April 27, 2020

Listen To Your Problems And Give Relationship Advice


Ever gone through a terrible break-up? Has heartbreak taken a toll on your life? We have all been there, I, included. I am here to help you out with your love problems! 

Hi, my name is Joy. 23 years old from the Philippines. I am here to share with you ways how to deal with break-up and heartbreak, whatever it may be! I will guarantee to listen and give you the best advice I could give. The same way I have taught myself to step-out of my sad bubble and be the happy woman that I am today. Or we can talk about life in general. 

If you:

  • Feel lost and depressed
  • Feel left out and alone
  • Want to explore and discover your higher self.
  • Need someone to talk to about life.
  • Want to embrace your true potential and create your dream life.
  • Need someone to boost your self-confidence.

...then this is the place for you.

I am here to help you become your higher better self.

I am excited t help you one problem at a time. Book a gig with me. :)

Income here will be used to fund for my college.



Super nice! Great to talk with.

: : : :

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