Monday, December 23, 2019

Be Your Listening Ear And Confidant


Are you stuck in a rut or have been ruminating over a particular issue for a very long time and have no idea how to get out of this very tiring cycle of over thinking the issue without a solution or end in sight?

We have all been there and you are not alone. 

I do not profess to be an expert in mental and emotional health, but through my life's journey over the last few years, I have come to realise and believe in the importance of simply having people in your life whom you can share your deepest thoughts and feelings who will listen to you without judging you, and in the process, also help to gently guide and inspire you back to the right path in life.

Let me be that listening, non-judgemental friend to you. I am all ears and I am here for you.

Send me in as much detail as you possibly can about what it is that has been troubling you and I will tell you what I think about your issue. I do not know you, and that in itself allows me to have no preconceived ideas of who you are and what has lead you to what has been troubling you. Who knows, I may be the fresh perspective you were looking for. 


: : : : :

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