Sunday, December 1, 2019

Help You Talk To Deceased Loved Ones


I will help you communicate with a loved one who has passed away.

I am a licensed minister from the Berkeley Psychic Institute, and have taught classes and performed thousands of clairvoyant readings and healings. 

In this psychic medium reading, I connect to your loved one as spirit, and invite them into the reading. I can communicate a message that you have, or fulfill a special request. I will also describe how they are doing, and whether they still have their energy nearby.

I highly recommend getting gig extras, as they are favorites among my frequent clients (see positive reviews). Thank you, and I look forward to your reading! :-) 

Check out all my gigs:



Very real connection to spirits, talked about specifics that there was particular to my situation.


Her works helped a lot


Interesting. Something i explored for first time.


It was my first reading and I found it very helpful. Thank you so much!


Thank you so much!

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