Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Provide Relationship And Marriage Coaching To You


Relationship coaching is based on a collaboration between the couple and the coach to identify, achieve, and excel at your goals. You will define your partnership- the formation of your partnership may not be traditional, and that’s ok! I frequently work within the framework of traditional marriages, consensual non-monogamous relationships, and LGBT+ partnerships. People come into coaching for a variety of reasons and together we will align your goals and achieve your desired results as a team. Whether you are considering changing the structure of your partnership or marriage, need help with parenting skills, considering separation, contemplating an open marriage, or working through some tensions caused by poor communication, we will work through these challenges in a safe, judgement-free zone. Sessions are typically held 2 x per month by phone. Coaching requires an investment of your time and energy and your results will depend upon your commitment to the process.

Relationship coaching is also great for an individual who is attempting to understand their role within their relationship or for improving communication in all relationships (romantic or otherwise).


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