Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Be Your Life Or Business Coach


Hello friend! 

I'm so glad you found me, and congrats to you on the first step in your beautiful transformation!  

Even just coming to browse through this section to look for a coach, is not only BRAVE but also smart and proactive.  Kudos!

I can't wait to work with you short or long term.  Helping people have a stronger connection to the next steps in achieving their vision is my passion!

From divorce, to challenges in your professional life, parenthood, living overseas, faith crisis… ya girl has been there!  And early middle life is funky ya’ll!


What I have learned is that life often offers us beautiful gifts of newness, opportunity, wisdom, success etc -wrapped in packaging that looks an awful lot like loss and pain.  Loss of job, loss of marriage, loss of identity, loss of clarity or even passion for our projects.


Nature truly hates a vacuum though!  And something better is always on its way. It would be my honor to help you draw your vision to you faster, and with more fun and connection.


You are a MAGNET for success, abundance, beauty, clarity, joy...

So let's chat about you and YOUR MAGNETIC LIFE!  



Wonderful, uplifting and positive experience. Made me feel totally at ease straight away and has me buzzing for more sessions. Can't wait! Thanks so much!


Excellent experience. Was eye-opening and gave me some insight to solutions and opportunities going forward. Thanks so much!


Natalie is an amazing lady. She totally understood my issues right away and was totally on it. She is so insightful and understanding and has a great grasp of everything. She puts you at ease and makes it easy for you to share your problems and plan for the future. Thank you so much and I can't wait to start shaping my future with your invaluable assistance!


Natalie is clearly very experienced, and professional. Really enjoyed speaking with her about my business-related questions/goals, and came out of just our first chat feeling very motivated to continue to pursue my goals.


It was quite easy and comfortable.

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