Monday, April 20, 2020

Be Your Bilingual Love Advisor And Life Coaching


Are you tired of life that you don't even want to get up in the morning? Do you think every decision that you take leave you even worst? Do you love some one and you don't know what to do? Let me help you with this messy compilation of thoughts that you have on your head, all this situations that you are confronting right now have a cause and a road to follow. 

I'm a psychologist student and I will advice you in the most friendly and proffesional way, always keeping the confidentialy of our sessions. I know how important is the mental healt in life, the emotions sometimes can be overwalming, and no one thaugt us how to manage them, let me understand your feelings and give you a solution. And of course I will give you advice not just in a "scientific" way, but spiritually, I'm talking about energies, meditation and perception, I also know a lot about gem therapy, is how the stones can work with you body and mind, let's rediscover the world for another angle!

By the way, if you need advice about dating, relationships, breakups, or you heart is broken, don't hesite to contact me! My time is all yours.




Thank you so much for everything , I’ll most likely be back . Talking to you was enjoyable, nice to vent and hear things from someone who wants you to improve in some way. Highlighting some aspects of how I feel and what’s going on showed me what to work on currently . Thank you again !


Natalia is really good at giving advice and listening; I would definitely recommend her services, made me feel better after the talk!


10/10 I’ll be back , would recommend


She is a great listener and empathetic. Plenty of helpful suggestions as well


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