Sunday, July 26, 2020

Offer Advice Therapy And Friendship


Sometimes you just need a person that has no judgements about your situation and can give you a clearer answer. 

If you ask your friends what they think about a fight you had with your S.O. they might not like them for a long time. Same goes for your parents... maybe more so.  You don't want everyone to dislike just want to know if you are seeing things clearly and how to fix a situation. 

Maybe you have family problems and none of your friends can relate to what you are going through because they all have "normal" families.  

We all need someone who can help relate to you in times of crisis. 

I have extensive experience with myself and my clients helping with: Narcissism and toxic relationships, grief recovery, relationships, love, dating advice.    

I have 3 different gigs helping with advice.  All three gigs are answered by little o' me.  I'm giving you the best of all my life experience. 



: : : : :

Offer Advice Therapy And Friendship

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