Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Give You A Detailed Tarot Reading On Love


Hi, my name is Sarah

I will provide a detailed reading within 24 hours!

I am an empath who believes in helping others through guidance, advice, teaching and counseling.  If you are seeking clarity, I am here to help.  I use the Angel Tarot Cards along with the Rider Tarot Deck which provides details and time frames for my clients.   

Please note that time-frames can change as a person's free will ultimately determines the outcome. 

A reading is a guide filled with possibilities that we can make or break. With that said, I believe we have some level of control once guidance is offered, so if you'd like to change something, that can be done.  

Along with my tools, I also require the first name of the person(s) in question.  A clear question brings forth clear answers.  I take great pride in my work so I'm not here to mislead you.  I am straight-forward and will tell you exactly what I see and feel with compassion and the best intention.  

Please have faith on this journey called life and trust in the higher power (God).


: : : : :

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