Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ask An Experienced Man



I am a 35 year-old educated man with a multitude of life experiences. I've not only lived the art of human relationships, I've studied it vastly. Have researched everything from the art of selective mutism, to debates of machine gun vs. sniper approach. I would like to add this "You cannot NOT communicate," the question is; Are you receiving the message? Men and women often seek answers from those closest to them to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. This is frequently a mistake, because advice can be something that you ask for when you already know the answer and wish that you didn't. Thus you cannot decode communication with a friend of which you have shared experiences because communication is nonlinear, constant and outcomes are infinite. There are haptics (touch), proxemics (space), inflection, and I could go on and on. Somehow or another from sender to message to receiver the communication gets altered. Try this exercise with a close friend if you doubt my message. Convey a personal struggle to a friend/relative and once they use this phrase of which they always do "I know how you are". From that point their objective advice credential is stripped.


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