Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Provide You With Relationship And Life Advice


Imagine your perfect girl, standing right at the door waiting for you to enter. 

YOU ... YOU have the potential to be standing right NEXT to the girl of your dreams. 

If you are wanting to get into a relationship, I can give you an almost guaranteed trick to getting that girl to like you.

But, lets say you are already in a relationship.

What happens if you get into an argument you don't know how to get out of?

What happens when your partner makes you sleep on the couch because shes that mad?

What happens if you don't know what to do but want to save your relationship?

If you have any relationship issues, I am here to give you answers to those questions above, and much, much more!

What if you aren't concerned about finding a lover, but want to focus on more particular events in your life?

What if you have a party you don't know how to host?

What happens when your parents are mad at you?

What do you do if your family member is peer pressuring you into a certain profession?

What happens if you don't know how to get into college?

I provide life advice with a pro + con sheet weighing out your choices as well as my own personal methods

Ages 13+ required


: : : : :

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