Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Give You Relationship Advice


I'm here to talk to you about any relationship situations you might be having. The focus will be on you and we can discuss anything you would like advice on. 



awesome experience

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Be Your Relation Adviser


Hi there, 

My name is Muhammad Ali. 

I'll be your third person partner, and is doing it consistently from the past 3 years. Yes the magic of motivation and bringing and solving problems. 

You partner fights all the time? On the verge of Breakup? Want your partner back? 

All problems under only solution in this GIG. 

Surely you'll get guaranteed results. 

I'm here to please and help my customers. 

Contact for solving your problems.


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Help You With All Areas Of Life


We all need someone to talk to sometimes....I can be that person.  

I will listen as a neutural, non judgemental person and offer my best advice in your situation.  

I can help with love, career, or even just reaching personal goals.


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Give You Relationship And Life Advice


Hello everyone! I am here to help you let go of that weight inside your heart. You may or may not like the advises that I may give you. What I say is for your own sake and for your own self growth. I am not here to tell you sweet lies. I am here to help you decide on whats the proper road for you to take.

What makes me credible you might ask? I have been on the field of health for many years and includes a lot of studying psychology. During my undergraduate studies, my class was composed of 95% females which means that I  am very very familiar with female and male psychology and perspectives.

I have a masters degree in public administration and am currently working for the government mostly in PR.

I have given more advises than I could count. All of which, made the receiving end improve for the better.

Tell me about your problem and I will give you an advice tailor fitted to you and your current situation.


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Design 50 Unique Love And Relationship Quotes With Your Logo


Looking for Unique Love and Relationship image quotes for your Social Media?

Hi, Adrian here! I'm specialized in Image Quotes Design and in the last 4 years I have served over 10,000+ clients get unique image quotes for their businesses.

Each order comes with my FREE GUIDE on how to 2x your Engagement on Social Media using Image quotes.


1. UNIQUE DESIGNS - I do not reuse the same image quotes for all my customers, you will receive your own set of image quotes.

2. Add Logo / Website for free

3. Royalty Free 100% safe images - I will select and use love/couples related images - royalty free only

4. Fast 24h delivery

5. 100% Money Back Guarantee if you do not like my work

6. 10,000+ happy customers in the last 4 years

I have 3 packages that you can select from. The difference is the amount of quotes that you will receive - and also, the PREMIUM pack offers the best deal, price / quote.

⏳ In less than 7 hours the price will increase with $20 – so get this launch offer NOW!

Ready to order? I am ready to work with you!

Click the order button now and let's connect!



Beautiful quotes. Thank you!


Definitely Recommended!!!


Good seller


Everything was great. I would use the seller again.


Good communication and nice qoutes.

Marketing And Dating Coach


I specialize in helping you to identify and overcome subconscious walls that are getting in the way of finding a relationship. As we bring awareness to those walls and begin to heal, you will begin to experience your dating life in a radically new way.

Trying to find the right person can be a painful task. When we can’t seem to find a match or when we move from one failed relationship to another, we begin to question if something is wrong with us and it can become difficult to trust ourselves to navigate the complex waters of the dating world. I will help you learn to trust yourself, develop confidence in yourself, and overcome the obstacles that are getting in the way of love. I will provide you with practical exercises to develop confidence as well as help you explore the deep, underlying issues that need healing. You will learn to become free, confident, and grounded within yourself so that you can find a partner who can meet your needs.


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Show You How To Revive A Dead Conversation On Tinder Or Text


Ever have a good conversation and have the girl leave out of nowhere?

Wish you could keep the conversation going?

I am going to send you a compilation of the best messages I have ever received on Tinder for getting a girls attention after she has "ghosted" you. 

These are guaranteed to be the best message you can find anywhere for this purpose. 


Seller's Response:

Excellent and will hire again :)


Excellent looking forward to hearing from you.

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Impact Theory Of Love


It all about the maintenance of relationships 

and how to build up a successful relationship 

with your partner. Love is what bonds two partner together.

so I’m here to amend and give advice to partner who are facing 

challenges In their relationships..


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Be Your Results Coach And Help You Reach Your Goals



Education & Certifications

  • Master's Degree: MSc Philosophy of Social Sciences (London School of Economics)

  • Coaching Certifications: NLP Master Practitioner, Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence & Social Intelligence Coach, Motivational Coach

Professional Experiences

  • Life Strategist & Dating Consultant for 6+ years

  • Research Director for major Online Dating CEO

  • Community Manager for dating tech start-up

Popular Coaching Services

  •  "I Want CLARITY!" - an action-packed Clarity Intensive session where we dive DEEP into discovering what it is you TRULY want in according to your values in life, love, and business. 75mins.

  • "I Want ACTION!" - my signature "Goal-Setting" session for people who already have a SPECIFIC goal in mind and are READY to take action. In this session, we will create a timeline-based, step-by-step action plan to eliminate uncertainty. 75-120mins. 

  • "I Want RESULTS!": you get BOTH: discover your values, what it is you truly want, and map out your action plan with my signature timeline strategy.

I do Custom Gigs! Send me a message :)


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Comment On Your Insta Pictures


I will comment nice things under your instagram pictures. I will be your number one fan and say anything under your pictures. I will basically comment anything under whatever you want, for 5$ I will comment on 5 pictures. 

You can decide what i comment, and under what. 

Make an x jealous with a number one fan.  


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Friendly Advice And Listening To Comfort Those In Need


I am passionate about helping others within various topics. As I've been through a lot in life myself, I find myself adaptable to many and like to offer as a friend to be there for others who are more comfortable speaking to a real person and getting friendly advice, or just be there to listen and see what kind of advice I can offer. 

While many have different circumstances, it is to be understood that I am only here for offering my personal time to be there for those who are reaching out on a friendly advice basis only.

I reserve the right to terminate the call with no notice if I feel threatened or uncomfortable. No refunds will be given.


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Provide Coaching Services For Your Growth, Life Or Business


Coaching, as a profession helps to redirect your thinking in different ways, which you might be unable to process, on your own. Using this gig, I am offering my Professional Coaching Services to you, to help you find answers to your issues / problems. The two basic skills that I make use of is - Asking powerful questions and have active and global listening.

As a certified professional coach, I use the Solution focused coaching model to help you reach your goals, whether in your life, career or business. I have been successful in making an impact in the people's lives, I have been associated with, as a Coach by helping them in:

  1. Overcoming their fears
  2. Developing their competencies
  3. Finding answers to their career related issues
  4. Provide development to their businesses

Looking forward to collaborate with you and make a difference.


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Be Your Friend To Chat In Any Topic You Like


Good Day

Hello! Good day to you. Do you want someone to listen to your problem? Maybe i can help you. I can be your online friend who always around.

Im a happy person and have an experience with helping people and give them advices specially in relationship with children and love ones. I want to give advise to those who are currently experiencing depression. I also experience depression and I overcome it. I want to help people through chatting to overcome their difficult times, I also want to meet new friends and share some experiences. Thank you :)

for more info please do contact me.


Seller's Response:

Great job like usual

Seller's Response:

Superhuman in her work ethic and to my fellow writers, she has a very creative mind.


thank you 😊




thank you so much 😊😊😊